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It is'not my realm

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It s not my realm
It s not my world
I'm only guest in not mine world
I want to live...

It s not my realm
It s not my world
I'm only guest in not mine world
I want to live,
I want to breath,
But you don't care about this
You only light in dark tonn'el
You only save, but you don't care
I love you Xena Love not dead in my black soul,
But now too late
Too late to have your love again
Too late, too late, but you don't care...
My tears coming down to yours
My soul want leave this dirty Earth,
My live had run,and it was doom
But you don t care about doom
You freedom bird,I want you back!
BUT NOW TOO LATE my live is dead...
My law was fight
My ruel was hate
But now they ve gone
And you don't care
Why Xena you was cruel to me!?
I gave you all! Why you don't see!?
Why!? Xena!? Why!? Please tell me now!...........
But she don't answered to the God,
And Ares uped his head last time
He was alive, but now he's gone.

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